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About CCP

Jon Wright was already an old-car hobbyist when he founded CustomChrome Plating to serve auto restorers, and that was over 49 years ago. "There's really no secret to what we do here at CCP," says Jon. “We handle the tough jobs that no one else will do. Our staff gets a kick out of meeting challenges." The attention to detail for which we are noted starts as soon as your parts arrive at CCP. The parts are photographed to create a visual record, which provides reference for each of the craftsmen who will work on refurbishing your parts. Each piece is examined in detail and any imperfections are marked for repair. Using whatever fabrication methods are necessary -welding, soldering, grinding, buffing- we will bring your parts back to their original shapes and dimensions. 

Some of the best hot rod, antique, and bike shops in the country use CCP for their plating needs, and on other pages of this website you’ll see many examples of our work.

At CustomChrome, our close working relationship helps us take care of your parts, and instills pride in our craftsmanship. Here are a few of the "family" you are likely to speak with or meet:

Jon Wright


The guy responsible for CustomChrome. Jon started adult life going to college and became a speech therapist, but after several years realized that his real love was cars, and that he needed a career that involved them in some way. He started CCP in 1968 on a shoestring budget, with no knowledge of metal finishing or electroplating. Despite all odds, he was able to develop it into one of the foremost and respected custom plating businesses in the country.

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